The Simple 7 House Plants

The Simple 7 House Plants

For beginners care, clean air and pretty surroundings
Did you know that air purifiers and ventilation aren't the only things contributing to the cleanliness of our at-home air? House plants are a low-toxin home staple - in fact, they remove toxins from the air that even most air purifiers don't! (And are a heck of a lot less expensive). These toxins are typically invisible, so they often go without notice, but they shouldn't. They come from the paint on our walls, artificial fragrance, dyes, bacteria, even our carpets and clothing carry toxins. It's an overwhelming learning curve but it comes with simple solutions - one of which being house plants!

And listen, I am not much of a green thumb myself, I have a cemetary of attempted plant friends, so I've compiled a list of 10 of the most cleansing house plants for beginners! For plant-care tips and more about low-toxin, zero waste living, visit our friends at

Spider Plant
Easy, clean and pet-friendly!

Snake Plant
One of the most low maintenance plants out there, does it's job but allows you to be lazy with yours!

Quick to grow and easy to care for; a great plant for propagating, and for cleansing carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and more of the most common toxins.

Pretty, lush and simple, these thrive in indirect light so hide them in the bedrooms!

Bamboo palm being most common, a fun, fluffy, humidity-loving plant, great for cleansing that bathroom air.

Aloe Vera
Cleans the air AND soothes your skin, your very own home-grown first aid kit!

Peace Lily
Rated one of the top plants for air purification, but note it is toxic when ingested - to those pets of yours too!

Happy cleaning!

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